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Planetary Position Now..


Indian Vedic Astrology Planetary positions are based on Lahiri Ayanamsa. Current planetary positions helps astrologers find out the current transits or Gochara of each planets on each Zodiac sign and on Nakshtra. Astrological predictions are done for a person based on either Vimsottory Dosha Phase of the person no, or with respect to his/her planetary positions in horoscope, current transit of planets. Current Planetary positions are as following

Transit events today are ...

Moon is moving from Capricorn (Makara) to Aquarius (Kumbha) today.

Jupiter20.881°Taurus (Vrish)Rohini
Moon24.011°Capricorn (Makara)Dhanistha
Mars27.547°Gemini (Mithun)Punarvasu
Venus6.644°Pisces (Meen)Uttara Bhadrapada
Saturn29.553°Aquarius (Kumbha)Purva Bhadrapada
Uran0.328°Taurus (Vrish)Krittika
Nept5.623°Pisces (Meen)Uttara Bhadrapada
Plut9.242°Capricorn (Makara)Uttara Ashada
Rahu2.838°Pisces (Meen)Purva Bhadrapada
Ketu2.838°Virgo (Kanya)Uttara Phalguni
Sun11.361°Pisces (Meen)Uttara Bhadrapada
Mercury9.196°Pisces (Meen)Uttara Bhadrapada

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Planatory positions are not the exact positions on of the planets on celestial sphere but the Ayanamsa calculated in Indian astrology. Ayanamsa is a Sanskrit words which means movement of components which relates to the movements of the planetary bodies. Difference (longitude) of Sidereal and Tropical zodiac are calculated here. N C Lahiri’s calculation is most precise and we use this one for all our calculations which is known as Lahiri Ayanamsa.

As per the definition this is the angle difference of from sidereal longitude with the tropical ecliptic longitude of any celestial component or body. As per Lahiri as of now Ayanamsa is 23.85 degree (in year 2000).

Sidereal longitude is the longitude position of the body on planet or celestial body with respect to the stars which is considered to be fixed on eclipse.

Where as Tropical longitude of a mass or body is the longitude value on eclipse with respect to a vernal equinox point which is moving toward west in a certain rate every year..

In Indian Vedic Astrology we calculate sidereal longitude of a planet. To do that we first calculate the positions of planets sing astronomy and then add the differenced introduced by Ayanamsa at the current time. This is one main reason that in Indian Ephemeris differs with western Ephemeris or others. Rate of the motion remain the same but the positions will have a difference.

While calculating the planetary positions on eclipse or zodiac signs there are various mathematical ways. One easy way can be taking a snapshot of the positions of planets (degrees) on a specific time, say 1st January 1900 at 00:00. And then calculate the difference of seconds passed since then. And also calculate the degree of movement on a planet in such time. For example Jupiter takes 4332 days or 11.86 years to complete one full cycle or 360 degree rotation around Sun. Which means, after every 4332 days Jupiter will be in exactly same degree back. So we can calculate how many degree Jupiter has moved in these seconds and add the same with the initial snapshot point.

In the table above we calculated the positions of planets now using Lahiri Ayanamsa which can be used for any astrology purpose and can be used to inputs for any horoscope or similar matters.